dilluns, 28 d’octubre del 2013

Searching for Sugarman #Rodriguez

Aquests ultims dies he mirat una mica la tele - tot una novedad! I he aprofitat per a posar-me al dia en el tema de documentals relacionats amb la musica. Aixi que, avui començo les recomanacions. Primer, Searching for Sugarman (no sé si ho van traduir aqui, seria Busant al Sugarman). Suposo que els altres 6,999,999 Catalans ja ho heu vist, però jo no vaig poder anar al cine i el DVD fa mesos que està a la prestageria esperant el seu moment , que va ser la setmana passada. Aquesta pel·lícula és molt especial si no et conten lo que passa, per tant, no vaig a posar cap "spoiler". Només us dirà que totes les persones que hi surten, i la gent que ha fet el documental, són gent a qui la musica els parla. Gent a qui la musica els dona sentit a la vida, gent que viu per a, o amb, la musica. T'explica com petits moments poden canviar el món, o poden canviar les persones.
Realment paga molt molt la pena. Ara us ajunto una de les cançons del Sixto Rodriguez, estrella de l'historia, i a continuació la pel·lícula sencera - però evidentment si la podeu veure al cine encara, pos, millor!
The last few weeks, I've actually managed to watch a bit of telly - for once in my stressed-up life. Among other films, I've tried to catch up with a few music-based documentaries that I'd not had chance to see yet. And now I will recommend them to you! First up, Searching for Sugarman. The story of the singer Sixto Rodriguez. This film is especially great to watch if you don't know the story beforehand, so I'm not going to give you any clues here! But I will insist - it's well worth watching, especially if you like the magic of life, the magic of music. All the characters, and the film-maker, show the joy they receive through music, and how it adds a certain magic to their lives. So, if you can, check it out at the cinema, fantastic; if not, here's a Youtube link to the film. Even if you are not struck on the music itself (impossible!), the story of how music can change or make people's lives is always awe-inspiring. So, first a song, and then the full film ...

2 comentaris:

  1. I love the Searching for Sugarman movie an Rodriguez from way back when I was 17/18 ~ I have a couple of hus CDs and his music is just so deep and soulful. Brilliant brilliant story. He was big in Australa too.

  2. I read that somewhere, that he was well-known in Australia too. I'd never heard of him, unfortunately - maybe the UK is US-influenced?
    But, I've seen the film twice already - in a week - and will probably watch it again with my wife as soon as I can convince her that it's in her best interests :) Will definitely get his music when I can.
