diumenge, 28 de febrer del 2010

Banjo medley - Steve Martin

Bé, com que no és pot tenir mai massa banjo, avuí repetim amb un medley de Steve Martin (si, el de les pel·lícules El home amb dos cervells, Roxanne, Dirty rotten scoundrels …).

Tornant a l’actualitat ebrenca, el dissabte passat es va celebrar una assemblea de la Plataforma en Defensa de l’Ebre, molt important per preparar-nos davant dels amenaces que venen cap a l’Ebre – són moltes, però si lluitem per tenir un regim de caudals mínims, calculat pels tècnics i no pels politics, tindríem molt guanyat. L’Ebre necessita que deixin baixar aigua - aigua, sediments i nutrients, per mantenir-lo i el seu entorn vius. Podem llegir el manifest de l’assemblea aquí.

You can never have enough banjo music, so here’s Steve Martin (yes, the guy from the films The Man with Two Brains, Roxanne, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels ...) again with a banjo-medley.

Back to local news. The Ebro Defence campaign group held a meeting last week with 500 people in Tortosa’s theatre to hear about all the threats the Ebro and its surroundings face. There are many problems for the Ebro, and its delta – pollution, regression, subsidence, salt-water coming upstream, exotic species etc – but a big help would be for the government to allow scientists (and not politicians) to apply a minimum flow of water, sediments, and nutrients downstream so as to maintain the lower river, the delta, and surrounding areas. The conclusions of the meeting can be read here – only in Catalan at present.

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