El diumenge passat SEO/BirdLife i la Plataforma en Defensa de l’Ebre van organitzar un acte al Delta per celebrar el Dia de les Zones Humides. Consistia en marcar fins a on arribaria el mar, dins la terra del Delta d’aquí uns 15, 25, i 35 anys si no fem res per impedir-ho.
A banda de la probable pujada del nivell del mar, també tenim la subsidència i salinització de la terra, i la erosió de les platges i la costa degut a la falta de caudal de l’Ebre, tant d’aigua com de sediments. Si no baixa aigua dolça, nutrients, i sediments per l’Ebre, tota la zona litoral del Delta es vera (i ara es veu) afectada. Molt interessant tot, tant les explicacions com l’acte en si. Aquí està la noticia (la foto és d'aqui, Diari de Tarragona).
La pega és que ja fa anys que sabem la teoria, però ningú fa res per aturar el procés ni per ajudar l’Ebre i el seu entorn.
Parlant del Delta, això ens porta (poc) sutilment a la cançó d’avui, Delta Dawn un altre hit country, de Tanya Tucker al 1973.
On Sunday SEO/BirdLife (Spanish/Catalan sister of the UK’s RSPB) and the local environmental group the Plataforma en Defensa de l’Ebre (campaign movement in defence of the river Ebro) organised an activity in the natural area of the Ebro Delta to celebrate the International Wetlands’ Day. This consisted in marking how far the sea would come inland over the next 15, 25, and 35 years if steps aren’t taken to protect the Delta.
Apart from the probable rise in sea level, the lack of river flow in the Ebro (due to overuse and mismanagement upstream) means there is very little fresh water, and hardly any nutrients or sediments reaching the sea. This has disastrous effects on the coastline and the Delta itself, leading to erosion, subsidence, salinisation, and so on.
The only problem is that we already know this, and have for some time, but when will local governments take steps to actually do something about protecting and conserving this wonderful natural area?
The only problem is that we already know this, and have for some time, but when will local governments take steps to actually do something about protecting and conserving this wonderful natural area?
Speaking of Deltas brings us nicely on to today’s song, Delta Dawn! Sang by Tanya Tucker back in 1973.
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