La lluita contra el PHN dels PP ha sigut la més massiva fins ara. Es va crear la Plataforma en Defensa de l’Ebre, entitat de voluntaris format per moltissima gent de les Terres de l’Ebre i gent d’altres indrets amb els mateixos objectius de defensar la vida d’aquestes terres. La Plataforma és una entitat totalment informal sense socis ni estatuts, simplement la gent a que li interessa lluitar pel riu, es troben cada setmana per debatre, informar-se, i decidir quines accions emprendre.
Contra el PHN del PP (2000-2004) es va fer campanya en 3 direccions. La lluita social, visualitzar una terra en lluita, amb manifestacions (i altres accions al carrer) enormes, 15 mil persones a Brussel·les, milers a Mallorca davant de la trobada dels ministres del Unió Europea, centenars de milers a Madrid, i a Barcelona – tres anys seguits. I nombroses manifestacions multitudinàries a les ciutats de les Terres de l’Ebre. La lluita jurídica, sobre aspectes legals de la llei del PHN. La lluita a Brussel·les, vam ser dels únics grups que hem anat a Brussel·les per exigir que la UE faci complir les seves lleis! I demanar que no donessin fons europeus al govern espanyol ja que estaven fent un mal us d’ells.
Al final, amb la victòria del PSOE a les eleccions del 2004, el PHN va ser mig-retirada ...
La cançó d'avui, Janis Joplin cantant River Jordan, any 1965.
The campaign against the PP’s transfer plan (2000-2004) has been the largest and most popular one yet. The Coordinadora and other groups came together with individuals from all walks of life to form the informal voluntary protest group, the Plataforma en Defensa de l’Ebre (Ebro Defence Platform). A group of people with no membership or rules, who simply meet every week to discuss the present situation and prepare protest actions and other campaigns. The social fight against this plan saw thousands of people demonstrating in local towns, over 100,000 in Barcelona on three occasions, tens of thousands in Madrid, even 15,000 went to Brussels to demand the European Union impose its laws regarding water and wildlife. This together with a legal fight in the courtrooms and a technical campaign with the European Commission, demonstrating the irrationality and illogic behind the governments arguments meant that Brussels was about to step in and take measures when ...
The campaign against the PP’s transfer plan (2000-2004) has been the largest and most popular one yet. The Coordinadora and other groups came together with individuals from all walks of life to form the informal voluntary protest group, the Plataforma en Defensa de l’Ebre (Ebro Defence Platform). A group of people with no membership or rules, who simply meet every week to discuss the present situation and prepare protest actions and other campaigns. The social fight against this plan saw thousands of people demonstrating in local towns, over 100,000 in Barcelona on three occasions, tens of thousands in Madrid, even 15,000 went to Brussels to demand the European Union impose its laws regarding water and wildlife. This together with a legal fight in the courtrooms and a technical campaign with the European Commission, demonstrating the irrationality and illogic behind the governments arguments meant that Brussels was about to step in and take measures when ...
... the Socialists came back into power in 2004 and shelved the plan, or so they said ...
Janis Joplin singing River Jordan, from 1965.
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