dimarts, 6 de juliol del 2010

Father and son - Cat Stevens

Noticia: un home ha tingut un fill i no se sap qui és la mare! Una mica estrany, el món al reves, però si el pare és un Déu entre els homes (o almenys aixi ho creu ell!) es pot esperar qualsevol cosa. Que li vagi millor la carrera de ser pare que li va la de futbolista!

News story: man has child and no one knows who the mother is! Now that is an unusual twist, almost as good a story as "Man bites dog"! But when the person is question is a God among men, or so he thinks, anything is possible. Anyway, here's hoping he's a better father than footballer ...

Father and Son (Pare i fill) del Cat Stevens.

3 comentaris:

  1. Jo conec un cas (no tant inversemblant com el teu, però d'eu ni do) Una matrimoni amb 4 fills que cap era del marit! fernando, que així es diu l'espòs, es pensava que al menys el gran era fill biològic d'ell, però en fer-se les proves d'ADN, va sortit que tampoc!
    Això sí, ell se'ls estima com si ho fossin.
    No cal ni dir que el matrimoni va acabar per separar-se.

  2. Well, that was the first time I have ever seen Cat Stevens 'live'. I used to listen to all his songs and he was one of my favourite singers mumble years ago when I was in my early teens. Thank you! A real treat. Rather good-looking, wasn't he!

  3. And, apparently, still is. I think I heard his religious beliefs have once more changed and he is now "allowed" to pick up his guitar and play again. I'll have to Google his new stuff, as you say his "old" stuff is fantastic!
