Bé, m’he adonat que alguns punts últims em fan semblar un punt de informació turística! Que si el riu, que si la Via Verda, que si les festes ... pos, ja que estem ... no podem oblidar el mar. Les Terres de l’Ebre tenen algunes platges en cales petites precioses, i per a la gent que li agrada alguna cosa diferent, les platges del Delta, kilometres i kilometres de sorra amb molt poca gent, i l’oportunitat de gaudir d’algunes dels paisatges més singulars de Catalunya. I el que queda seria parlar de la muntanya – el Port, els pobles de la Terra Alta, la serra del Cardo, en fi, si no volem el típic turisme de sol i cervesa (bé, si no volem tant!), les TTE son ideals!
Vaig a vore si l’oficina de turisme em regala un pernil.
Vaig a vore si l’oficina de turisme em regala un pernil.
Mentrestant, vacances més estiu, ens porta a Summer Holiday (Welch/Bennett) del Cliff Richard, de la pel·lícula del mateix nom - l’any 1963.
Recently the blog’s seemed like a tourist information office – what with the river, Green Way, festes , and so on. To finish the job, the Lower Ebre Region (Terres de l'Ebre) also has some wonderful small coves with beautiful beaches, but if you fancy something different there’s nothing like the beaches of the Delta, mile after mile of deserted beaches with sea on both sides, plus some spectacular scenery. And, finally, inland we have the mountains of El Port, Cardo, the mountain villages of the Terra Alta. So, if you’ve had enough of the typical holidays of sun and beer, why not try the Terres de l’Ebre, in the south of Catalonia?
Having said that, I’ll now go to the real tourist office for my tip, and here’s Summer Holiday, Cliff Richard’s 1963 hit.
Cliff Richard's....quins records!
ResponEliminaWhen "Summer Holiday" came out my mother was 32 and in love with 'Cliff Richards'. I was seven when she took me to the film. I fell in love too. We used to sing the soundtrack all the way through, word perfect. Thank you for the memories!
ResponEliminaMy mum was, is, also a big fan! I've never seen the complete film but was brought up on a "diet" of Cliff and the Shadows!