dilluns, 10 de setembre del 2012

Breakaway - Tracy Ullman #Catalonia

Tomorrow is the 11th September, a day on which 298 years ago Catalonia lost its independence (that’s cutting a long story VERY short, but history ain’t my best subject). This defeat is commemorated every year on this day, the National Day of Catalonia (i.e. a bank holiday). Apart from the usual formal political speeches, there is always a march in Barcelona with the aim of showing support for Catalonia to regain its independence.
This feeling has been growing and growing over the 20 years I’ve been here and now it looks like the break-away option is getting closer and closer .... This year’s march promises to be a belter, with over one million people expected to take part (in a nation of 7 million).
Digressing for a moment - on our summer break in the UK we visited the Yorkshire Sculpture Park,  which this year is showing an exhibition of work by the Catalan artist, Joan Miró. A great time was had, a wonderful park, great art and great walking, and grand food! While there we read that the Park would be organising a special activity on the 11th to celebrate Catalonia’s National Day. To quote the Barnsley Chronicle – “ The national Catalan Day commemorates the 1714 siege of Barcelona defeat that meant the loss of independence, the abolition of all Catalan institutions, constitutions, rights and freedoms, and the beginning of a centuries-long suppression of its culture, traditions and language. Sculptor Joan Miró was rooted in a deep sense of national Catalan identity and his work is often personal, celebrating his Catalan identity ...”.
So if you can’t make it to Barcelona tomorrow, try the Sculpture Park – failing that raise a glass of Catalan wine or cava for the soon-to-become next EU member state!
Cada any des que estic aquí es nota que les ganes i les possibilitats de l’independència de Catalunya estan creixent, encara que en  apunts anteriors he dit el mateix i encara estic esperant tal dia ... a vore si demà el crit del 11 de setembre és prou fort per fer reaccionar el nostre Parlament.
Aquest estiu hem estat al Yorkshire Sculpture Park, un lloc preciós, on aquest any estan fent una exhibició especial de la obra de Miró. Mentre estàvem allí, vam llegir que també volen celebrar la Diada demà amb uns actes especials sobre l’artista. I al diari local, el Barnsley Chronicle, han dit això: “La diada del 11 de setembre commemora la derrota al 1714 que va significar la perdua de l’independencia, l’abolició de les institucions, constitucions, drets i llibertats, i el començament de segles de supressió de la cultura, la llengua i les tradicions de Catalunya”.
En fi, que poc a poc la situació de Catalunya es va coneixent pel món!

9 comentaris:

  1. Glad you made it to the YSP - it's such a great place!! Hope you also spotted some of my favourites (the Andy Goldsworthy pieces) while you were there?
    oh, and a break from the beach boys?.... you've certainly been inspired!!

  2. You're right, we love it. I've been a few times now, but being no artist myself I have no memory for names. However Google has just showed me that we have indeed seen some of his work, and have photos in the stone fold to prove it :)
    This year we did som decent walking down and around the park, seeing the Bee Library (cool idea!), and a good time was had by all. We made a special effort to go this summer as the other 3/4 of the family are big Miró fans, and we are all Big Catalonia Fans!!
    The Beach Boys are back on the shelf now in an attempt to get myself back into "work mode", as opposed to holiday-feeling - been back at work for 10 days now, but the feeling here is still holiday based - kids don't go back till 12th, and this long weekend off we are still enjoying promises to be historic ....

  3. You're welcome!
    Crec que ja ho tenim tots molt clar aquì, i a fora poc a poc també. Hem parlat en diverses persones a Anglaterra aquest estiu i tots coneixien la situació i no veien cap cosa rara en demanar (i aconseguir) l'independencia. Ja només falta que Artur Mas sigui valent i fa un pas endavant ...... si no, que s'aparti i fem eleccions amb una proposta unitaria de declarar l'independencia. A vore com va avui ....

  4. Lovely photos of the family. And I am with the 3/4 fans of Miro... But I always thought he was a she!

    Try to keep the holiday feeling when you get back into work mode Brian!

  5. I'm trying, I'm trying, a serious effort to take work this year (being a teacher, "years" start now!) as a pleasure ;)
    On the "was Miró a man or a woman?" issue, it reminds me of the first book I had to use to teach English here in Catalonia 20 years ago. The two main characters were a boy called John and a girl called Joan ! Since "Joan" is the Catalan equivalent of "John", you can imagine the confusion this caused, both through sex and through pronunciation as the Catalans find it difficult to differentiate between long and short vowels. It soon became like a Peter Sellers' movie - "Jon", student 1.
    "Ah, John, so it should be "he"",teacher.
    "No, I said "Jon"", student 1.
    "Joan?", teacher.
    "No, Jon", student 1.
    "Joon?", teacher.
    "yes", answers student 2, called Joan.

  6. PS that were me up there with the ampersand. My other me.
