dissabte, 22 de setembre del 2012

Crocodile Cryer - Martin Stephenson & Daintees #Whatever happened

Continuem amb el exitos serie d'apunts anomenada “Que els va passar als ....?”. No per parlar de grups o cantants que han desaparegut del tot, sinó dels que han desaparegut de la meva vida. Aquells que en un moment donat, han sonat molt en la meva vida, però després els he perdut de la vista – potser encara toquen, però ja no m’arriben, o potser pels canvis en la meva vida ja no m’arriben, o potser s’han marxat a l’espai en un ovni.
Avui toca el turn a Martin Stephenson & the Daintees. Al finals dels 80 el meu germa em va gravar 2 excellents albums, Boat to Bolivia, i Gladsome Humor and Blue. Vaig venir a viure a Catalunya amb les 2 cintes a la maleta i no he sabut res més .. fins ara.
Es veu que van gravar un LP més, i van desfer la banda. Martin va continuar gravant amb altres grups o alguns albums ell tot sol, però sense tenir massa fama. Al any 2000 van tornar a formar la banda i al 2008 van tenir un petit exit amb LP  Western Eagle. Al 2012 han fet un gir tocant el LP Boat to Bolivia, del qual us posem Crocodile Cryer.

So, another thrilling installment of our successful series of posts entitled Whatever happened to ...?”. Not necessarily those singers or groups who have disappeared completely off the radar, but rather those who have disappeared from MY radar. Maybe they still sing, maybe they don’t, but I’m referring to those artists who at some point in my life have meant something to me, but then either through their or my fault, I’ve lost track of them.
Martin Stephenson & the Daintees. Towards the end of the 80s my brother taped two great albums for me; Boat to Bolivia , and Gladsome Humour and Blue. Then I came to Catalunya with the two tapes in my suitcase and never heard of the band again ... until now ...
Turns out they recorded another album and split up. Martin continued recording solo albums or with other artists throughout the 90s and reformed the band in 2000. They've made a couple of albums since, with 2008's Western Eagle being the most successful. In 2012 they've been touring with a show where they play the full Boat to Bolivia LP - from which, you're gonna hear this beauty, Crocodile Cryer.

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