dissabte, 16 d’octubre del 2010

My Sweet Lord

Sempre hi ha alguna peça de música que no coneixem. Coneixia My Sweet Lord de George Harrison (any 1970), i la polemica de si havia sigut una copia del hit He's So Fine (els jutges van decidir que si, aqui pots decidir tu), però no havia sentit mai aquesta versió fins que un company blocaire m'ho va passar.
És del Concert for George, un concert de l'any 2002 per recordar a George un any després del seu mort, on participaven gent com Eric Clapton, Billy Preston, Jeff Lynne, i molts més.

The beauty of music is that there is always something else to discover. I only knew George Harrison's original version of My Sweet Lord (orginal may not be true given that it is claimed to be a rip-off of He's So Fine - judge for yourselves) until last week when a fellow blogger passed me this clip. This version is from 2002's Concert For George, featuring Billy Preston, Eric Clapton, Jeff Lynne among many other famous musicians and singers.

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